Sunday, October 23, 2016

Taking Responsibility One Day At A Time

I am using this blog to take responsibility one day at a time in my every day life. My plans are to document each day throughout the day to have a solid place of evidence that choosing to live a positive life really is all it takes to actually live a life you love full of amazing events, answered prayers, opportunities, and so much more.

I have been asked before "What makes you so happy all the time?" and in reality I could answer as easily as "I don't know." But the difference is I DO know! You do too. The difference is I have chosen to make it a priority in my life and share the journey. Why? Perhaps as a way to have some accountability. Perhaps as a way to share the journey with others who are struggling in this thing called life. Either way ~ it is here, and I am ready to begin documenting my days as I choose live a positive life one day at a time, starting with today!

To share each day (ups/downs/everything in between) and the way in which I have chosen to shift thinking, quotes, etc that makes me look at the positive side of life in every event on every day from this day forward. I am NOT claiming that ONLY good will come my way ~ but I am claiming that I will take the good out of every situation.

That this blog will have a huge impact in at least ONE person's life that they can honestly say it changed their life for the better.

To leave a legacy for my children ~ to be reminded that even though things might not have been picture perfect, they were taught to look at things in a way that the world will not teach them. They were taught to rely on hope, faith, and to desire to live in a way that leaves a positive footprint in the world vs a negative impact.

If you need encouragement, inspiration or simply just to understand that life DOES get better when you feel like it can't ~ just stick around! Share with your friends, and leave your own stories in the comments section!

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